In this Superfruits Mini-Course you will get to know some of the most potent health foods that nature has created. These are fruits that have battled the toughest of conditions to survive and thrive in the most inhospitable locations around the world. No wonder they are brimming with disease fighting nutrients that help us humans as well.
Here’s what you’ll discover in these 7 free lessons…
• Day 1 – Acai berries from the depths of the Amazon jungle, from the palm that is submerged under feet of river water for months, battling pests all year round to become one of the most nutritious superfruits yet discovered!
• Day 2 – Acerola can be found while calypsoing about the Caribbean and you may even try it flavouring your cocktail. You won’t need your vitamin C tablets!
• Day 3 – Cranberries are found in acidic bogs in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere if that’s what you’re into. A highly regarded antioxidant and treatment for urinary infections with many other potential benefits.
• Day 4 – Goji Berries originating from the arid deserts of Tibet and the floodplains of the Yellow River in China. Like many foods, nutrient content depends on growing conditions but it boils down to whether they’re good for you or really good for you.
• Day 5 – Mangosteen from humid South East Asian forests cultivated for centuries as the royal queen of superfruits. Thought to originate from the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas, they are recorded to have numerous health benefits even 1500 years ago! If you chance on some in Komodo just watch out for those dragon dudes.
• Day 6 – Pomegranate originated in the Middle East but have been cultivated throughout the Mediterranean and beyond since ancient times. Great tasting. You can find out why Homer and Shakespeare wrote about them!
• Day 7 – Tahitian Noni but from what I hear of this fruit the smell may be a bit off-putting. How does “cheese fruit” or “vomit fruit” appeal? Not really high up on the marketing list of benefits I think. But don’t give up on them; it appears some properties of the fruit may truly be beneficial.
Not only do you find out about the amazing health benefits identified by scientific research but we give you some ways to enjoy them with juice blends and smoothies. Experiment and enjoy!
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